
福建省新宏运衣车贸易有限公司成立于1990年,坐落在风景秀丽的著名侨乡--石狮市。历经三十余载岁月的磨砺,始终以“诚信为本,奉献社会”为经营宗旨。三十年来历久弥新、与时俱进,广获用户的信任,市场份额一直以来占据福建市场的前茅,是中国缝制设备商贸50强企业,核心经营品牌富山牌广受青睐,越来越多的大客户改用富山牌。深厚的专业底蕴持续为广大用户提供整厂设备的配置和精湛的服务,广受赞誉。 Fujian Xin HongYun sewing Trading Co., Ltd. was founded in 1990 and located in the beautiful scenery and the famous overseas Chinese hometown - Shishi City. Through more than 30 years of trials and tribulations, we have always taken "honesty as the basis and dedication to society" as our business principle. Over the past 30 years, the company has been keeping pace with the times and widely won the trust of customers and kept occupying the top market share in Fujian province. It is one of the top 50 enterprises in China's sewing equipment trading industry, with core business brand HIKARI widely popular, and more and more big customers are switching to HIKARI brand. It is widely praised that our deep professional background continues to provide the whole factory equipment with high configuration and exquisite service to customers.